Cats Nap

I don't know what happened to my cat.. He really loves to stay in a secluded place wherein he can take a nap no matter what the time is it. Well I guess being nocturnal predators, cats tend to sleep during the day and keep awake during the night. They also look for a sleeping place that feels safe and has the right temperature. And he thinks that shoe box is the best place for him to sleep on..

There you go woolsy.. I told you you won't fit there.. You can find another place for you to sleep on.. Not in a shoe box.. Okey?

I thought you will find another more comfortable place to sleep on, what were you thinking? huh??


hehe i was loughing seeing ur cat, look so cute.

November 28, 2007 at 9:16 PM  

Awww Woolsy is a handsome cat, love the white!

Thanks so much for visiting Mariuca's blog, I hope to see u again! Have a great day Catsy! :):):)

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