Kitty Talks..

The Purr: Cats (large and small) are the sole animals that have the ability to purr. How come? Purring actually comes from two membrane folds, rather than being voice generated. They can purr both on inhaled and exhaled breaths, and with their mouths fully shut.The general thinking among scientists as to how purring is produced is that, air in the windpipe magnifies the sound of blood movement within a large vein located in the chest cavity.

Kittens (who are deaf and blind), can feel the vibration of their mother's purr, and to them it is almost like a homing beacon, an indication for them to feed. Cats don't purr just for pleasure; a deep one can also indicate pain or distress.

The Meow: There are lots of variations: a short, soft-spoken "mew" is your cat's way of saying "hello", Are you feeling good today? A loud and drawn-out "meo-o-o-o-ow" is a demand for food or attention.

The Ears: There are 5 fundamental ear indications. If they point forward and slightly outward, then every thing's cool. If the ears are erect and facing forward, they're wide awake and my explore the source of something it hears. If the ears are twitching quickly back and forth, they are edgy or nervous.

The Tail: A tail quietly waving back and forth is a sign that the animal is contented or in deep concentration. If accompanied with growls, take care! If tail-wagging is somewhere between half hearted and full on, this may indicate that your cat is not sure of things. If the tail is leaning forward over the head and looking fluffed up, it means your cat is feeling like the top banana

The Eyes: When your cat looks steadily at you, giving you several long, slow blinks, you're getting the equivalent of a kiss! Mimic the cat, they like to feel loved too!. If you get on the same level and speak to your cat while sitting on the floor, it will immediately make your cat feel more comfortable and at ease.

The Whiskers: When it comes to the feline species, the whiskers are one of the most important sense organs. By bending the whiskers, kitty can magnify the smallest air disturbance, this helps the cat navigate around obstacles even in the dark because the air currents move differently around the objects. When the whiskers are pulled back it's a good sign the cat is angry or feeling defensive.


This is VERY interesting! I MISS my cattttttt, esp. when I made him purr by scratching him HE HE HE HE HE...

July 23, 2008 at 2:19 AM  

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